The Towering Man


6e0711fb4290eec00a8fd3cd045952e2.jpgThe Towering Man.

I read because I want to learn

I read because I can,

yet all I can read is what I am told to read.

Books enlighten us,

they don’t censor.

A  towering man sits over every book with a shimmering red pen

he crosses out words,

then sentences,

then paragraphs,

and finally he lays the book in a shelf where dust will cover it

no eyes will ever glance at it.

The towering man is ignorant

some say.

The towering man is old they say,

used to the decrepit and doctrinal ideas of times once past.  

The towering man is ignorant I say.

A towering man never enlightens us he only censors.

His red pen is what I dread

It destroys and never creates.

The towering man no  longer stands above his books,

We thought, talked, took action,

And now we all have a pen

Now we all write but never cross out.

It is like a new door opening and our pens are the key.

We don’t censor no more.

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